Fun RPG for those that want to tabletop RP but can't get friends or family into it. It feels like a nice streamlined version of D&D with no Dungeon Master needed. My one issue with the game is you can't role female characters,for some reason all characters seem to be male. You can name them anything you like but the sprites look male to me.
Good game with a good amount of customization. Wish we could be a necromancer, but still it reminds me of my DnD day's
Game breaking bugs kill what would've been a cool game. My second dungeon and the game goes nuts my character disappears and I can't do anything, including starting a new game. Got a refund. This game has been out for ages. These kind of bugs should've been patched out ages ago. I was enjoying it too.
Please add View Map option and also an option to move the party around easily together, like most similar games show Travel and Combat modes, no way I am going to travel emptied floors one character a time, turn based!
Really enjoying this game so far. It's pretty hard at first and continues to be challenging even when you become familiar with it. Would like to see female heroes.
I was really excited to play this as I was really enjoyed the Endless games but it has major playable issues. Normal attacks freeze the game for me. Got a refund but would to buy it again when it is fixed.